George is a Pain in the Neck!

George is a 15 year old cat who presented for second opinion/evaluation of a mass in the throat. The mass had been present over a year and previous veterinarians had recommended against surgery due to the cats age and the location of the mass near so many vital structures in the neck (carotid artery, jugular vein, esophagus, trachea to name a few). Unfortunately, it was obvious that this mass was causing a loss of quality of life for this poor cat. The mass was literally as large as the cat’s skull! It was felt that it was better to attempt surgery and removal or at least de-bulking rather than watch the cat suffer or asphyxiate. Here he is after prepping for surgery:

Oak Tree Veterinary Hospital

1794 S Taylor Rd
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118


Phone: (216) 321-6040


Outpatient / Pharmacy and Pet Food Pickup / Surgery and Hospital Admission / Imaging / Therapy Laser / Saturday Appointments / Pet Food Pickup after 5pm

Business Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday: Closed

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