Vanity, a 100 pound rottweiler, came in having had vomited more than 20 times the past 24 hours. X-rays showed a round foreign body lodged in her intestines, (see picture and look just rt of center to see the round, white ball.
Vanity, a 100 pound rottweiler, came in having had vomited more than 20 times the past 24 hours. X-rays showed a round foreign body lodged in her intestines, (see picture and look just rt of center to see the round, white ball.
1794 S Taylor Rd
Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
Phone: (216) 321-6040
Outpatient / Pharmacy and Pet Food Pickup / Surgery and Hospital Admission / Imaging / Therapy Laser / Saturday Appointments / Pet Food Pickup after 5pm
Business Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday: Closed