(Adapted from The Complete Holistic Dog Book, Allegreti and Sommers)
Protein: 30% to 60% (for cats 60-70%); Meat, eggs, beans, lentils, tofu, peanut butter. Always use organic and grass fed meats whenever possible.
Carbohydrates: 30% to 60% (for cats, 15 – 20%); Rice, potato, squash, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, amaranth, sweet potato, green pea
Vegetables: 10% to 30%; Broccoli, beans, carrots, spinach, chard, brussels sprouts, Cauliflower, tomato. (Always cook vegetables for easier digestion)
Calcium Supplement: Herbal supplements when possible; eggshells, bone meal, herbal or seaweed based.
Fats: 1tsp to 1 tbsp: Fish, flax, hemp, olive, ground flaxseed.
Vitamin mineral: Human grade, organic
Nutrition Boosters: Probiotics, spirulina, nutritional yeast, digestive enzymes, lecithin, alfalfa, wheat grass, chlorophyll, turmeric (specific conditions usually dictate the proportion and quantity of these).
* Always change up the foods. Variety, variety, variety! For vegetarian diets, add spirulina and a b-12 supplement, as well as nutritional yeast. Once a week, use eggs. Also, for the beans, cook them thoroughly and puree before serving to help with digestion.